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Our Services
At A1 Bathroom and Kitchen Resurfacing, we offer a range of services to help you transform your bathroom and kitchen. Our team of experts can resurface your bath, shower recesses, and kitchen cabinets and counters to give them a new lease of life. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes all surfaces look like new.
Bathroom Resurfacing
Say goodbye to your old and worn-out bath. Our bathroom resurfacing service can make it look like new. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes your bath shine and look brand new.
Shower Recess Resurfacing
Transform your shower recesses with our shower recess resurfacing service. Our team of experts can resurface your shower recesses to make them look like new. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes your shower recesses shine and look brand new.
Kitchen Cabinet Resurfacing
Update your kitchen by resurfacing your cabinets and benchtops. Our team of experts can resurface your kitchen cabinets and benchtops to give them a new lease of life. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes all surfaces look like new.
Kitchen Benchtop Resurfacing
Transform your kitchen benchtops with our kitchen counter resurfacing service. Our team of experts can resurface your kitchen benchtops to make them look like new. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes your counters shine and look brand new.
In-Home Resurfacing Services
At A1 Kitchen and Bathroom Resurfacing, we provide in-home resurfacing services to help you transform your bathroom and kitchen. Our team of experts can resurface your bath, shower recesses, and kitchen cabinets and benchtops to give them a new lease of life. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes all surfaces look like new.
Bathroom Resurfacing
Say goodbye to your old and worn-out bath. Our bathroom resurfacing service can make it look like new. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes your bath shine and look brand new.
Shower Recess Resurfacing
Transform your shower recesses with our shower recess resurfacing service. Our team of experts can resurface your shower recesses to make them look like new. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes your shower recesses shine and look brand new.
Kitchen Cabinet Resurfacing
Update your kitchen by resurfacing your cabinets and counters. Our team of experts can resurface your kitchen cabinets and counters to give them a new lease of life. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes all surfaces look like new.
Kitchen Counter Resurfacing
Transform your kitchen counters with our kitchen counter resurfacing service. Our team of experts can resurface your kitchen counters to make them look like new. We use a special treatment and painting process that makes your counters shine and look brand new.

A Kitchen born again